iPhone and iPad Software Updates Will Soon Be Announced

Elina Rudkovsky


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Worldwide Developers Conference is coming up this Monday, and it seems that Apple will have some serious iPad and iPhone software updates to announce. The news regarding updates will come amidst the growing criticism regarding the App Store policies.

In addition to iPhone and iPad updates, the audience will also hear about the Apple Watch, Apple TV, and Mac updates. Privacy protection will definitely be a big topic of the conference, including notifications and features for health tracking. the iPad is about to be significantly improved when it comes to software, so it’s more suitable for people who need advanced functions. There will also be talks about invasive apps and how the privacy of users can be increased.

Just last month, Apple was criticized by several developers because of the policies in the App Store. One of the most prominent incidents involved the Epic Games lawsuit. The game developer insisted that the 30% revenue share is too much while many app developers expressed their agreement. It’s still unclear how this problem will be approached by the Apple team.

What changes do you expect to see after the event? Tell us your thoughts on this topic in the comments below.
